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  • Blaze 32

    98 Land-Ho I considered what Jackson had said. He knew one of his sailors had lied to him, and the man’s motives were in question. That wasn’t the kind of thing Jackson would let go. “So, what will you do?" “Well, first I'll have a chat with cook to find out if he even sent Walter down there." “Now? But Haven is so close!" I wanted to experience it with him. An truthfully, I was feeling a bit of nervousness from realizing that the unknown was quickly approaching. His presence would soothe that worry. “No, sweetheart. First, we'll ensure we get safely into harbor, then I'll find out what's going on." He’ll be on deck. I smiled. “Okay. I'm so excited to see it!" “I'm excited to show you." that severe expression evaporated. Dimples flashed as he grinned. There was a happy flutter in my chest upon knowing that he wanted to take me around Haven. That perhaps the man that had built it to begin with, wanted to share it with me. It’s another piece of him I didn’t know about it. But I wanted to learn. *** All the sounds of landing were chaos. Jackson requested I remain in the captain's quarters to stay from the sailors' path so they could do their jobs. Without having me underfoot. But it meant I had to witness the landing from below deck. Which was about enough to drive me mad. I stood there staring at the ceiling above me. I could hear commanding shouts, thumping, and the creaking of ropes. I imagined sailors running from one end of the boat to the other. And shimmying up those ropes to secure lines before sliding back down. I couldn’t resist running to the porthole to peer out. Land was close enough I could've reached through the window and touched it. The ship jolted so hard I was thrown back. Someone above me cheered. “Land-ho!" I echoed it from below, unable to resist. I was still hopping in small circles when Jackson opened the door. He stopped there. Laughing. “What the devil are you doing?" “I'm about to see it!" He gave another chuckle. Then his laughter faded. “In such a hurry to get away from my cabin?” My smile was dashed. “No, Jackson. Not at all! I’ve just waited so long to see this place." “Would you like me to show you around?" “Yes! Please." That made him happier. He offered me his arm, and we went up to the deck. Then headed on to the gangway. That led to the first moment my foot touched Haven soil. As my slippered foot reached out and felt the ground under me, I huffed a relieved breath. A cheerful squeak came out of me before I could stop it. “Tell me." He urged. “Tell me why it brings you so much joy." I couldn’t wait to. “There's not so many monsters, the Hoard is here to keep people safe, and those that have hunted me in Ferus, won't know I'm here." “All exceptional reasons. So, there’s really only one question left.” “What?” “Where do you want to go first?" “An inn!" “Done." He assented. “I'll find you one." I was willing to follow wherever he led. Just beyond the gangplank there was a ring of men standing in leather armor. They stood atop their horses with long spears in their fists. Their line was four deep and stretched back from around us in a semi-circle. “Princess Fiere of Pyre, meet the Haven Hoard.” Jackson introduced. The men on horseback thumped their spears. Double tapping then emitting a loud grunt in unison. It was an intimidating sound. “They seem as well-trained as the Pyre Army, I whispered to him.” “Must be the commander.” Jackson tilted to shoulder me. “Same one?” “Indeed. Though I have help.” One man dismounted. The horses, though well-trained, were shifting and inching back. Wanting to put distance between themselves and me. A shame. I heard thunking on the plank behind me and averted my attention that way. Seeing the pony being unloaded onto the island. No… It can’t! I rushed over to greet the pale horse. Her buckskin coloring and white mane were unmistakable. “Sweetness!” I cried. Throwing my arms around her to hug her thick neck. She whinnied softly. Huffing against my hair. “You brought her!” I said excitedly, giving Jackson a thankful look. “You can thank John Thomas for that.” “Of course, I can. Sneaky old man!” I felt tears of gratitude streaking down my face. “He was right.” Jackson murmured. “You do love her.” “She doesn’t fear me. She’s taught me a new appreciation for the animals.” “John Thomas thought she would be a comfort to you.” “She will be!” *** Jackson said we’d arrive at the inn by nightfall. A few ambassadors of the hoard had wanted to provide an armed escort, but Jackson had dismissed them. The men had relented, deferring to their commander. The walk through the forests of Haven were more beautiful, less dense and dark than Ferus. I noticed man of the trees were fruit trees. I reached up to grip a round orange. “May I?” “Of course. Enjoy.” “Is that what people can do here, pick a piece of fruit anytime?” “Whenever they’re hungry.” He beamed proudly. “It’s paradise.” “As close as one can come, I think.” Darkness was coming over us when we reached a grassy valley. Down in it, amidst dewy trees was a large log inn. Warm yellow light poured out from around the door. It had a green door and had lettering at the top in dark black. Old Oak. A fitting name for an inn secreted in the forest. “I like it.” I shot him a look. “Care for some ale.” “Not so much.” I touched my head. “That wine was quite enough for me for a while.” “But I’d love some roasted grouse.” I said hopefully. “I’m sure they have it. Let’s go have a look.” There was roasted grouse. And I was fairly certain it was the best I’d ever tasted. Perhaps a bit blackened, but yummy nonetheless. I made happy noises as I stuffed my face. Jackson sat across from me. He had a grouse too but he seemed in no rush to eat. He watched me with a pleased look. “What?” I finally asked after swallowing a huge bite. “Just nice to see you actually eat. Soothes my soul to know you have a full belly.” “Is that why you were always trying to get me to eat?” “Or sending someone to take you food.” He muttered. Then his eyes widened and he grimaced. I slumped. “You mean John Thomas and Lionel.” I wasn’t really asking. Unfortunately, I already knew the answer. Dammit. How much had he orchestrated behind the scenes? At every turn I was finding out something. “Is that it, Jackson? Is there anything else I should know?” He frowned. “I don’t think so.” He rolled his eyes as he considered it. I could tell he was trying to think of anything else he should be telling me. “I don’t like secrets.” “You didn’t make the truth easy.” I chewed my cheek. “Perhaps not. But I am now. And only right now.” “I truly think that’s it Fiere. Everything I was doing was to try to protect you from more ugliness.” “I’m starting to understand that, but deceit doesn’t help build trust.” “Granted.” “Now, I am going to shove bit bitefuls of this tastiness into my mouth while you try to think of anything else I may not want to be blindsided by.” “Deal.” Eventually I finished my plate and leaned back, cradling my stomach. “Was it good?” “The best.” “Want more?” I looked from him to his plate. “You don’t want it?” “I’m not particularly hungry.” “Is your wolf craving meat.” He slapped the table between us. Glancing furtively in his peripheral. “Not here.” “Okay.” He straightened, sliding his hand back. “But in answer to your question, yes. The urges seem to be getting stronger.” “For that?” I asked under my breath. Meat? “Not just that.” The grave look on his face told me there was a lot more I didn’t know. We’d talked about his wolf in the past. But he’d said it didn’t bother him too much unless there was a pink moon up or he could smell raw meat. The look on his face now, said much had changed. *** I waited until the meal was over and he was taking me up to a room to ask more. When he closed the door I went to sit on the edge of the bed. “Can we talk now.” “About my wolf?” He sighed. “Yes.” “I suppose.” He’s dreading this conversation. He never did like talking about his wolf. Though I never understood why. I’d once imagined how fun it would be to be able to be two different things. I suppose now I have more of an idea. I through dryly. Recalling how unfun it was to be The Spark. I hope it’s not like that. “What else have you discovered about the wolf?” “He travels faster than I.” “Then an Eternus?” “Yeah. He can see and hear better.” I was leaned forward raptly. “That sounds fascinating.” He sighed as he came over to sit next to me. “It is a very intense experience. I learn something new every time I change.” “How often do you do it?” “Not often enough for it not to be agonizing.” “Perhaps you should do it more, so it’s easier. It is like a muscle, isn’t it?” “That’s how I understand it.” “You should practice more. Learn to control it.” I suggested. “And what of you?” “Huh?” I reared back. “Have you learned how to control your spark?” “Not in the least. I just try to keep it from happening.” “Then how could you ever use it to your advantage.” “I don’t want to use it at all. It’s excruciating.” “So is having my whole body break and reform, bone, muscle, tissue, my very pores have to change. The texture of my hair. Everything hurts.” I chewed my lip. “If I should be driving through it to learn more about it, shouldn’t you?” I looked at my hands in my lap for a long moment before glancing at him. “You know how I hate it when you use my words against me.” “Yes, but it’s the only time you think I’m right.”

  • Legend of Fury 31

    105 Young Pack “Well, if they're living outside the Asara wall,” I suggested. Eyeing the three young males playing with Chaos and Bea. “they'd have to be very cautious to avoid the border guards, wouldn't they?" The Asara pack border guards were nothing to jest about. They were well-trained, fast and dangerous. They were dedicated to protecting their territory and had no qualms about confronting anyone that would try to get over those walls. Edrick was quick to take action. He wasn’t an alpha to stand by so one was as likely to be confronted by an alpha here, as not. Somehow, these boys had managed to stay clear of them enough to remain. Or at least, it looks that way. “Yes." Fury reluctantly agreed. But I could tell he wanted more of an explanation than that. “They must’ve learned how to remain upwind and to move silently.” “Then they’ve mastered it.” Fury remarked. The children were playing wildly. “I think I'll shoot over to the wall and talk to one of the border guards, to find out what is going on with these boys. I nodded. “I'll watch over things here." “Scream if anything goes wrong." “I'll rattle the wall down." I promised. He gave my hand a quick squeeze before heading off in the direction of the Asara border door. *** “Edrick.” Fury called. Hoping that the alpha would be in so he could have a real discussion about the boys. It took only a short time before the wall door was opened and a man Fury wasn’t familiar with, slipped out. “He’s not here currently." The man advised Fury. “He's been leading the skirmishes against the NightHunters.” “Ah. Perhaps you can help me then. I merely have a question." “I'll do my best." The man waited to hear it. He looked somewhat pleased to be speaking with Fury. “There are three boys down by the river there. I'm wondering where they've come from?" “Ah, yes. The lost lot. They're pups that managed to find their way here." “How’d they do that?” “We’re not sure. A few of the males suspect that perhaps one of their parents knew about us. Though none of them have been able to bring up any names that we know.” “So why haven’t they been taken in?” “Edrick has determined that we already have a surplus of young males. He turned them away." “Yet they remain?" “Our alpha has forbidden any pack resources going to the boys, but he doesn't mind if someone snags an extra rabbit or two and lets them have one. I think he sees no need for them currently, yet they’re strong enough that he doesn't mind them lingering in case something changes and we need the extra bodies." Fury nodded thoughtfully. “Can they hunt?" “They seem to do just fine. One of them is a fairly apt tracker, I think." “Any sign of the plagues?" “Nah." The guard told him. “They've been here for months with no issues. They’re all immune, if you ask me. Though they're not brothers so I'm unsure how they found each other and made their own little pack, like they’ve done." “Interesting." “They are." The guard murmured. “Strong bunch of young males. It’s a shame we can't take them in." “That is a shame." Fury said consideringly. *** I could tell something was on his mind, when I saw Fury coming up the back of the hillside. Returning to me with a furrowed brow and his gaze on the ground at his feet. “What?" I queried warily. “Huh?" He glanced up. “What? What's on your mind?" I prodded. “Give me a bit to mull it all myself, love. I'll broach it with you once I've hashed it out in my own head." There was no nastiness to his tone. I understood that he was merely asking for a bit of time to think. And I would give it to him. He'd just off-handedly called me 'love', and that felt wonderful. I was willing to grant him whatever he wished after hearing that. I’ll wait. We stood crouched in the grass together. Watching over the children. “They've mostly tired each other out by now." I remarked. They were all muttering to each other as they used soapweed to scrub themselves. They'd occasionally laugh at something one or the other said. They were rather beautiful to watch. They seem so free together. “What do you see when you look at them?" Fury asked abruptly. I frowned. Wondering what it was he thought I should be seeing. “I see... Children at play. Happy. Enjoying the water and sunshine." He grunted. “Tell me what you're seeing." I said a bit impatiently. Wondering if he’d disagreed with me. He was quiet for so long that my suspense was nearly more than I could take. “Fury?" I prompted. “I think... I see a young pack. A strong one, potentially." “A pack?" My voice rose. “Surely you're not talking about leaving our pups here?" I felt an immediate surge of panic at the idea. Chaos is still too little! We haven’t taught him enough yet. “No. I am not." He said firmly. “Then what are you saying?" I was growing impatient with his vague responses. What is it? “I'm toying with the idea of taking them all with us, so they can grow as a pack. So, Chaos will have peers that can protect each other." I hesitated. Staring at them all. “That’s a lot of mouths." Food. That was what I was worrying about. “I'm told at least one of them is an adept tracker.” Fury allayed some of that fear. “Perhaps they could help. Besides, do you doubt that I could keep their bellies full on my own?" I shot him a sideways glance. “You're capable of anything you wish to do. I learned a long time ago that underestimating you is a losing game." “And my female doesn't like to lose." My female? Perhaps it was just my hopeful nature, but it seemed he was getting ever closer to using the word, 'mate.’ “We hardly know these boys." I noted. Seeing that Fury was getting more set on the idea, by the moment. “Well, only one fix for that." Fury said decisively. “Let’s get down there and get to know them.” They were having fun but when one stalky boy caught sight of Fury coming down the hill, he began muttering to the others. He backed them up. Separating them from Chaos and Bea and moving them toward the opposite side of the river. “No." Fury asserted. Pointing at them as he ordered them in that booming voice. “You hold it right there. All of you." “He's an alpha." One of them said in a hushed voice. Recognizing that sort of commanding tone. Fury reached the shore of the river. “What's wrong, father?" Chaos twisted in the water to ask. “They were doing nothing wrong. We were just playing." Fury put out a hand to him, to shush him. “No one is in trouble son." The three little males had dutifully stopped as Fury ordered. They clustered together nervously. Looking around as if they thought they were going to be ambushed. “We intended no affront." A skinnier one dared say. “Fury?" Bea peered up at him with worried blue eyes, having never heard him use that tone before. “You've caused none." Fury said. Turning that outstretched hand to crook a finger. “Come here." “Which?" The short, stout one asked. “All of you." Fury announced. They looked at each other warily. None of them liking the idea. I was guessing that Fury was testing them to see how well they would obey him. They have to, if he is going to keep them safe. They would need to trust him and listen to him as Chaos and I, did. “It’s fine children." I called from next to him. Sensing they needed a little help trusting this huge wolf. “I won't let him eat you." “Not worried about that, Mum. We're worried he may throttle us." “Come." I invited. “He’s far more likely to do that if you don't soon obey him." They shared glances. Their expressions written with trepidation. But my assurances must've done the trick. They hesitantly started swimming our way. Fury was unmoving. Standing at the edge of the water like a fierce statue. His arms crossed over his thick chest. His cloak swaying in the breeze. His jaw hand in his block face. He looked like pure rage. It was no wonder that the boys were apprehensive. I could tell that Fury was exuding intimidation on purpose. What is he trying to do? I didn’t get it. But I knew there’d be some purpose behind his methods. There always is. His efforts to be unwelcoming were working. I found that even I was shifting in discomfort. The boys reached the water at his feet, warily climbing out next to him and steering clear. Edging further toward the outer banks in case they had to suddenly flee. “You three will be joining us for our meal." Fury pronounced in a tone that brooked no argument. They blinked at him. Tossing me questioning glances. I shrugged. Offering no assistance. I had no idea what he was up to. “You three will help me catch the food." He directed. The boys seemed to relax upon hearing that. “We're quick." One of the boys grinned. Boasting. “Good." Fury said. “You're going to need to be, to keep up with me." The boy deflated a fraction. “What?" Fury took off. Bolting for the trees with his cloak whipping. The boys looked at each other in confusion. They're so unsure. I had to bite my lips together to keep form laughing aloud. I clucked in my cheek. Drawing their attention. I waved my fingers toward where he’d vanished into the trees. Indicating that they should get moving. “Mother?” Chaos asked. Drawing my eye. I noticed that Bea was clinging to his back, peering over his shoulder at me with the same questioning look on her face. “Yes?” “What is father doing?” “I’m not sure son. But I have the feeling we’ll be finding out.” Chaos groaned. “I hate when he does that.” “Me too son. Me too.” I said fondly. Watching the trees and waiting for them to come out.

  • Opposing Mr. Blackburn 28

    56 A Hundred Options For all my file selling, I found I was still to be outdone. I glanced over and saw Eric talking to another cluster of men and women. Mostly women. He was flashing that smile like it was going to sell a hundred options. And as far as I could tell, it seemed to be working. He was passing out files, and they were taking them. Giggling wildly. So wrapped up in his charm that I doubted they even registered that they'd taken them. “Now, if you girls or gentleman, are unsure about a particular option, feel free to contact my office and talk to my assistant. She can give you all the details. She’s quite competent.” I noticed he refrained from giving any of the women his cards. Like he knew they wouldn’t be calling about investment options. They’d want something else. He moved to a couple men next. Switching personas as fast as clicking a switch. He had the two of them eating out of his palm in minutes. “Smooth as satin, ain't he?" Krissy remarked. She shook her head. “Even after all my practice, I still can't do what he does." “You?" My voice rose. “You're a natural conversationalist." “I know! And I've perfected it. But boy oh, boy he blows me out of the water in sales, every conference." “Really?" I asked. Echoing a bit of her awe. “People just love him. Wherever he goes." “Yeah" I frowned. Saying absentmindedly. “He's always been like that." I whipped my head to look at her. Realizing my mistake the second it left my mouth. She didn’t miss a beat. “Always? Oh yeah... Allie Kat... What is the deal with that?" I shrugged. “You're her, aren't you? The girl from school that crushed his heart to smithereens. And made him incapable of loving anyone else?" “I didn't do that." “Then what really happened?" She looked like a puppy with a bone. Just hoping to sink her teeth into something juicy. I blanched as I looked everywhere but at her. “You could say he broke mine. With his blind ambition." “Oh…that’s sad. Think you still love each other?” “Course not." I shot her a skeptical glance. “That was forever ago." “Was it? Because seems like whenever you two are within thirty feet of each other, you can't keep your undressy eyes off each other.” I sputtered on laughter. “Undressy, huh?" “No other word for it.” She tilted her head sideways and shook it. “Why don't you go for it?" “Just like that?" My lips twitched. “Everyone else here with a breast is thinking it but you're the only one that might have a chance of getting beyond that notorious Blackburn wall." “With a breast huh? Just one?" I teased. “Or two. Maybe even some with none." “You're ridiculous, you know that?" She beamed like I'd just given her a compliment. “You're just sour because you know I'm right." Maybe. Maybe not. “It's not quite that simple, Krissy." “Make it that simple." “Everything is so clear cut in your world, isn't it?" “Pretty much. Yes or no." She gestured to one side than the other. “Good and bad. He falls in the good range. In the very very good range." I laughed, “I'll keep that in mind." “You should. That's some real shit I just gave you there..." *** Getting back to regular work was far less than exhilarating, after the adventure I'd had at the conference. Eric was also strangely different. Not the same man who'd bought me lingerie a size too small, nor the same one who'd teased me over cheesecake. He was friendly, kind, but detached. He was staying at arm's length. I supposed it bothered me the most because I couldn’t pinpoint what had happened. Everything was fine. Then it wasn’t. And for my overthinking head, that was nearly too much to bear. Though I'd been so happy to be back with Emily, I hadn’t reached out for contact either. I had remembered to pick her up the link puzzles I’d promised her, and we’d been up late last night putting a few patterns together. I had really enjoyed watching her come up with new outlines. I’d completely lost track of time and hadn’t even thought about sending Eric a message until well past midnight. Then I’d decided against it. So perhaps the lack of closeness was partly my fault. She loved them. It didn’t feel like it though. I shook myself. Focusing on what was on my desk before me. And more positive things. I was pretty proud of myself for all I'd accomplished at the conference. And now that I'd been back, I'd wanted a little time to celebrate that win with Emily. Eric handed me another file. Angelina had us abbreviating the notes in each Pitch File. Which was Eric's job. Then they had to be converted into a database recording everyone's earnings and notes. Which was my job. Seeing my files felt good. Logging the numbers was even better. But after a few hours, I found myself skimming that database. It took less than a heartbeat to see that Eric had racked up similar numbers to my total, in the first couple hours of the conference on opening day. He left the room to go refill our coffees. “Angelina." I whispered. Reading and rereading the numbers. I checked the files to make sure I hadn’t mis-entered something. “Yes." Her brows lifted as she heard the worry in my tone. “Can you come look at this? I don't think it's right." These numbers are crazy. It wasn’t just that they outpaced mine so dramatically, the amounts he’d had people agree to where ludicrous. Something is wrong. The more I entered the files, the higher the numbers got. “Sure." Angelina came around our desks and leaned over to look at the screen. “This can't be right." I pointed to Eric’s row. “Oh, I see." Her brow furrowed. “You're right. This is barely half of what he brought in at the last conference.” I gaped at her. She straightened. “Is this all his numbers?" “Uh, no. Theres still a stack here.” I patted it. “Would you get me his final stats? He did say he'd lose some time cultivating clients with the picture taking I asked him to do. I want to make sure he's not shorted anything." “This is really what he brings in during oneconference?" “He is the best." She straightened. “Why do you think we stole him.” “Oh.” She tapped the corner of my desk as she walked around it. “Get me these numbers by the end of the day, please." “Yes ma'am." I knew I’d made an error when I heard the sound she made. “Eww." She groaned. Jerking to a stop and giving me an affronted look. She hissed through her teeth. “Ouch!" “Okay, okay!" I laughed, raising my hands in surrender. “I meant, gorgeous boss! Not ma’am." She winked. Pointing at me with an approving cluck before she sauntered back to her desk. Eric walked back in and handed us our coffees. Fortunately, Angelina didn’t bring up my skepticism. *** I had no idea that the following morning would rank as one of the best days of my life. There was a brown sticky note on my desk with the number 44,000. “Angelina?" I asked as I took my jacket off. “Yes?" “What am I supposed to do with this?" I lifted my finger with the note stuck to it. “Whatever you want." She shrugged. Not looking up from the notes she was making on a yellow legal pad. “File it with your records, scrapbook it. Whatever you want." I shot her a quizzical look. Eric walked in. Going behind his desk, he began unwinding his scarf but paused to peer at the note on his desk. “Oh, you got our bonuses figured already?" “Yep." She said absentmindedly. Focused on the page before her. No way. That can’t be what this is! “Angelina!" I gasped circling my desk to head for hers. “Stop." She lifted a hand. “It’s right, Allison. I knew you'd ask. I checked it three times." “This is almost a year’s-" Wage. “It’s right." She cut me off. “You wrote your own check. You did the work." “It's… a lot. A lot, a lot." This would take away every worry I had. I stared at the note as if were made of gold. “Sounds like you'll be paying for your own sitter next conference, huh?" She shot me a kind smile. “Uh, yeah...” I bobbed my head vigorously. “Definitely.” “Good work." She murmured, going back to work. “Good job, Allison." Eric added. Says the man who made ten times that. “Thank you." I told him. *** It was around noon when Angelina called my name. She was already getting up and pulling her jacket off her chair to drape over her arm. Her eyes were dark, and she looked really tired. “Huh?" I looked at her. “I was here late last night, figuring bonuses. I’m going to jet early. Can you swing by the print shop and pick up our photos from the conference?” “Sure." I stood. Planning to do so immediately so I didn’t forget. “I can do that!" Eric leapt to his feet. Looking like a deer in the headlights. “No." Angelina dismissed. “I need you to stay here, Eric. Put out any fires that blow up while I’m gone. I know you can handle any issues." “But I-" “Allison has got it." She cut him off as she gathered her bag and thermos. She averted her attention back to me. “No one else touches them until after I review them tomorrow." She shot me a severe stare to tell me she meant it. Which meant I wouldn’t let anyone touch that envelope but me. “You got it." I nodded. Grabbing my things to go run the errand. Eric looked from one of us to the other. Stiffly sitting back in his seat. I hardly noticed in my rush to get out the door. I didn’t really note his eagerness to come get the photos himself, until I was standing in the photoshop awaiting them.

  • Nightmare Man 34

    90 New Heir Brandon looked blissful as he headed to the back door. Cradling Adam along one forearm as he turned the knob and pushed it open. He stepped out onto the concrete step and angled toward the back fence. “He's finally here! Say hello to Adam." There was howling and buzzing. The chain link fence bordering the woods along the backyard rattled as raucously as the thunder overhead. Yellow and orang eyes glowed in the dark. When lightning flashed, he could see the long line of Darkling people at the fence. Joyously voicing their celebration. They were elated to have a new heir to the kingship of their tribe. But even their happiness was meager compared to the brilliant level of it Brandon exuded as he returned indoors. Still rocking Adam, as if he found it hard to look away. He brought our son back to me. Pulling up a chair next to me. “He's wonderful." Brandon carefully lifted me off the table, wrapped up in the blanket I was laying on, and carried me to the couch. My feet dangled. I didn't fight him because I knew how effortless it was for him to pack me around. And right now, I didn’t mind letting him. He set me down against the armrest. Ensuring I was supported. In the nook of that armrest and the couch back. I adjusted Adam in my arms so I could peer down at him. Stunned by the beauty of his features. He blinked up at me through newborn-blue eyes. I stroked his downy black hair back from his face. He was quiet as he peered back up at me. As if he were as curious about me as I was about him. Though in my dreams, I’d already seen him. Just like this. With his adoring round face staring back at me. Now it’s real. Now he’s in my arms. I knew in that second, that I’d never loved anyone as much as I did this tiny person. My heart clenched at the realization that I'd do anything to protect him. I looked up and met Krisha's intense study. Now I could understand everything she'd done for hers. Giving birth to him, only to have to surrender him to another family in order to protect him from his own kind. How sad. I was looking forward to endless days with this little one. And his father. I looked up at Brandon crouched next to me. Looking at Adam as intently as I was. “Never leave him." Krisha said. “Even if you think there's no other choice. You'll regret it the rest of your life. And his." “Forever, I think.” I corrected her absentmindedly. “Yes.” She agreed. Her eyes drifting to Brandon’s profile with the same adoring look that I was giving my son. She loves him just like this. I looked up and saw astonishment settle into Brandon’s expression and his brow furrowing. It was as if it took a moment for her words to sink in for him. He slowly turned his head to look at her. He didnt think she'd regretted it? “Brandon," I said quietly, returning my attention to Adam. “talk to your mother." He hesitated, then pulled up a chair next to Krisha who’d taken a seat on the opposite end of the couch. They began talking. Truly talking for the first time since I’d met her. My gaze roved over my precious infant. “I won't ever leave you. No matter what. You are never going to feel alone." I glanced up at Brandon’s profile as he spoke to his mother. Feeling such a pang in my heart that I knew I could never let him go either. “Neither is your father.” Those were promises that I’d do anything to keep. THE END

  • Nightmare Man 33

    89 A Final Change Brandon and I both knew that when we did have to go into the city, anyone we passed on the street, or any worker in a coffee shop, or hospital, could be part of the Ileck tribe. We had to always be on guard. But I was learning to live with that. Still, it made things dangerous. Which meant that on this dreaded night, with a cruel storm raging outside, I didn't dare risk it. The day which I had so feared, came. And I had to stay home…With only Brandon to hold my hand. Krisha desperately wiped my sweating body with warm towels. Trying to soothe the explosive pain brewing within me. My screams were masked by the constant rumbling of thunder beyond the closed windows. “Push, Jess!" Krisha directed me. She slid her chair around, as she sat between my open legs. Willing me strength that I no longer felt like I had. I’m exhausted! I was laid out on what had been a beautiful dining room table. Now it was a makeshift hospital bed. Brandon sat next to me. Allowing me to crush his hand in a violent grip. “You can do this, sweetheart. I got you. I'm right here." “This is your fault! You son-of-a-bitch!" I growled through gritted teeth. My face flushed a rich purple from the strain of what I was going through. “Yes." He nodded. “I am." “You thick-headed bastard-swine of a man." “Perhaps, love.” He said calmly. “I am that too." He was every bit as calm as I was volatile. Deep concern was reflected in his eyes and his brow was furrowed with compassion. Bit late for that! “Deep breaths." He mimicked what I should be doing. Blowing steadily. As if all those movies really knew what would be happening, anyway. “Huff at me one more time!" I threatened. But I was dutifully blowing. Clenching the tablecloth as if my life depended upon it. “Push again." Krisha shouted. “I almost have him!" Brandon brushed hair back from my forehead. Trying to soothe the heat of my body with his touch but right now I was in such misery that I was unsure if anything would ever be able to soothe me again. My whole body was shaking. I stared up at him. My gaze both pleading for help, and accusatory, at the same time. Rain pattered against the curtained window next to me. One edge of the window peeked out from behind the dark shade. I could see where long streams had cascaded down to the sill. I tried to let calm sift through me in that same soothing motion. But it was impossible. I whimpered in anguish. Brandon leaned over me. Pressing his lips to my forehead. “You're almost done. Our boy is almost here." With my knees up like they were, all I could see was the top of Krisha's head moving side to side. So I had to take their word for it. I felt pulling amidst the ripping and stretching. The sensation wasn't even over, by the time I heard the first squalling cry. My son’s voice. I knew it. I’d been hearing it in my ears every time I laid down for the last two weeks. I would know that cry anywhere. In that instant, all that misery evaporated like a morning fog. I crawled weakly up onto my elbows to see. Brandon braced a hand under my back to support me. I heard Krisha snipping. Then she gently brought the baby up to me. Setting him on my sweating chest. I hesitantly lifted my hands. Folding my palms over that tiny little back. Cradling him against me as I sobbed joyfully. Glad it was over. “Hi, baby." I said on a broken sob. So, overjoyed that I thought my heart might break right in two. Brandon set a palm over mine. “Hello, Son." He lowered and tipped sideways so he could see our little one’s face. “Does he look like you or me?" I asked. Highly curious but unwilling to disturb him to find out. “Right this moment, he looks like someone's grandfather." Brandon flashed me a grin. I reached to bat him but grunted in pain and fell back. Krisha came to my rescue. Stretching onto her toes, to bat the back of his head for me. “Don't you say that! He's beautiful." “I think our versions of beauty may differ!” He was grinning facetiously. “His mother is beautiful…” Despite myself, I giggled. Even as I gave him a reprimanding look. Krisha wrapped a towel over her hand and began gently wiping the side of our baby's face. Brandon took another look, and sobered. “He is a precious thing." He murmured in awe. “I would say his eyes look to be light like mine. His hair seems as black as mine. But his features are softer. More perfect like yours.” “Really?" I asked. Beaming. I loved the idea that he had a bit of both of us. “Really, my love." Brandon straightened. “May I take him out? The tribe awaits." “Just to the step." I told him. He nodded. Krisha set one of her homemade woolen blankets over our tiny infant. Then she carefully rolled him from my chest. She tucked the blanket around him before handing him to Brandon. I glimpsed that his skin was darker. More of a brown, like Brandon’s turned when he forgot to camouflage his body. Which was more often now. It was the Darkling part of our son. I didn’t mind that either. It bespoke a long heritage. Brandon's face was tense as he tenderly took his precious new son. I was proud to see how natural he looked with a baby in his arms. He crooned soothingly to the little one. Automatically rocking side to side. He gave me a questioning look. “Still as we decided?" “Yes, Hon." I groaned. Lying back down. “We will call him Adam." Brandon grinned. He liked the name. When I was about six months along, he'd sworn that the tiny one had reacted to Brandon whispering it to my belly. He tried various names but that had been the one that had elicited much writhing and kicking. Though I'd thought he just had the hiccups, Brandon had been convinced.

  • The Ancient 26

    53 Sphere Beyond the forgotten graveyard was a grove of dense trees. Their branches bent over and drooped down to dangle like gnarled vines, casting the place in twisted shadows. Marlay had re-energized on the way over to the miniature graveyard, and was seeming much more the thing. Nicholas seemed quite fascinated with the place. “This whole thing looks like a Halloween calendar…Are these fruit trees?” I was busy binding these nearly-dead enemies to trees. I had every intention of coming back for them later. But I wasn’t about to lead Kurik and this boy I hardly knew to my secret prison. “Don’t eat that!” Marlay shouted. Drawing my attention as she batted something from Nick’s hand. “But it looks like a pear!” His voice dropped. “It is a pear, isn’t it?” “It doesn’t matter. This is a cursed place. We don’t eat anything here.” She gestured around. As if that needed saying. I rolled my eyes heavenward. Nicholas was still looking sullen. Even after I had bound all the kelminar to trees in those woods. I glanced over and saw Marlay frowning at the kelminar I’d already spellbound to a tree. “Marlay!” I groaned. “Do not feel sorry for them!” “They just look so scared.” Marlay murmured gesturing mournfully. “They know what you’re going to do to them.” “They’re soul-eaters, Marlay!” I said outraged. “The same kind that killed our mother and father, and Ebbonie.” “So is Kurikus! And he would not hurt us.” “He already has!” I hissed, giving a sideways glance to where Nick and Kurik stood. “No. He hurt your feelings.” Marlay cried. “Once.” She lifted her finger for emphasis. “One time. And did you ever even bother to ask him what happened?” Whyever would I do that! “He’d lie!” I shook my head, my voice dropping as I met his look. “Like he lied about what he was.” “He didn’t lie.” Marlay defended, giving Kurik a long look. As if she hoped to spur him into some explanation. Good luck. I thought bitterly. Kurik doesn’t explain himself. “I didn’t lie.” He confirmed quietly. His face was expressionless. But something darker lurked in his blue eyes. “I just failed to disclose particular information.” That you’re a kelminar! A soul-sucking monster! “It’s the same!” “It’s not the same.” Kurik took the argument from Marlay. “I could’ve explained everything to you. I just needed a chance. One I thought you’d give me after enough time.” “I won’t. Not ever.” I gave him a furious look. “I’m as mad today as on our wedding night.” “It’s been two hundred years.” He murmured, his brow furrowing. “Sometimes, I think you actually believe that.” “So should you!” She pointed at him. “I’ll never forgive you. So you can stop deceiving yourself at any moment.” He stepped forward. “Do you have any idea how much I’ve done? How much I would do-” “Stop it!” I shrieked backing from him and throwing my head. As if I could shake off every word he said. Kurik opened his mouth, but Marlay’s soft voice stopped him. “They’re waking.” Turning, we saw the four soul-eaters remaining. The leader, Lukas, the young one, and another were beginning to shake their heads as the effect of my magic wore off. Compressing his lips, Kurik drew a heavy breath. “Get them in your trap.” “I will.” I gave him an unwavering glare. He gestured for me to do so. I went to the first man and worked faster to weave my spells. Twisting my hands around the trunks of the trees and murmuring the cadences that would seal them there and make them invisible to any peering eyes. Eventually, I had all four of the bound. “Look, I’m done.” I threw up my hands. Hoping to end his arguing with Marlay. “So, we can go back to the house.” “Oh, good!” Nicholas said dryly. I walked behind the others on the way up the endless hill toward our home. Marlay and Nicholas were chatting when I left them. I was glad to see Marlay looking so much better. Next, I led Kurik downstairs and ensured he was safely back in the dungeon. Looking a little annoyed to be there, but nothing worse. He glared quietly at me as I returned him to the old chain bound shackles. “So, it is always to be like this then, is it?” Kurik’s blue eyes shined in the dark. He was peering up at me from beneath lowered brows. “Hasn’t it always been?” “You using me.” “No, no. Get it correct, Kurik. It’s always one or the other of us, using the other one.” “I never used you.” He jerked at the chains, taking an urgent step forward. “Then what was the game? I know you were hunting me. I don’t know why, but I figured out that it had to be the reason you first spotted me.” “Couldn’t it have been because I found you beautiful.” I scoffed. “I’m not some maid of her first blush, Kurik. I know how conniving you are.” “Nah.” He dismissed. “You don’t know the half of it.” “I figured as much.” He laughed coldly. “Everything you want to believe so bad, is wrong. But I’m done wasting my breath on all that. I’m waiting for the moment when you truly open your eyes.” “You think I haven’t already?” I challenged. My grip on the railing of the stairs, already white-knuckled. “Nowhere near. But when you do, I’m going to be the one standing before you.” “You won’t stand before me, until you know how to kneel.” He gave a cluck of disapproval. “I kneel to no one, not even a woman like you.” “There are no women like me.” “A fact which I am well-aware of.” I scoffed and went up the stairs, feeling his eyes boreing into me all the while. I slammed the hatch. Effectively blocking me from whatever was going to come out of his mouth next. *** The walk down the lonely stretch of street was always quieter once night had fallen. I preferred to move around after dusk. I knew people would be less inclined to notice me walking around with my little crowd of spelled kelminar. Which is helpful. It didn’t take me long to pass the forgotten cemetery and collect my friends. Then move them on to ensure they were all safely locked away. But all the while, Kurik’s words haunted me. Everything he does, seems to. It was a gift he had. To plant a grotesque seed that never failed to foster into a taunting bloom. I unbound the kelminar and ensured they were all in my web of pain before moving them. I ordered their steps. Compulsing them forward. Together, we wove through the trees. After several minutes the ground was suddenly bright as if the moon glowed close by. I knew that up through fluffed treetops, the clouds blocked it. That’s not what’s glowing. We’re close. Entering a small clearing, I found what I was looking for. A giant gleaming ball hovered several feet off the ground. Though it was surrounded by an unnatural fog to keep it hidden the edges of it were mirror clear. Upon my approach, screaming faces and clawing hands struggled to escape the magical prison. My Tamer Sphere.

  • Run from Me 27

    83 More to Buddy There was no one left to help me. The water was splashing into my face and rolling over my head. The current is too strong. I was being dragged into the long concrete irrigation river. Cold reality was setting in. I’m either going to drown or a crocodile is going to tear into me. I don’t have much time left. Then the last thing I expected happened. I felt myself being lifted and pushed through the water. I realized sharp spikes puncturing my arms. I caught sight of a black mass beneath me. It was between my hip and arm. Pushing me onward. I fumbled my grip until I was able to fist a handful of his rough skin. Clinging to him. I sputtered. Spitting out the dirty water and trying to keep my head above it. I tipped my head skyward. Huffing for air. I let Buddy guide me. His strength pulled us through the swirling currents. He was a machine. Powerful enough to move us both. His breaths were like the rumble of a train and the raw brute force of his paddling was enough to plod us through. Even better, the crocodiles didn’t seem interested in his hard, bristly skin. Maybe they think he’s one of them. I saw fins drawing near us as Buddy surfaced to get more air, and even that thought wasn’t enough to keep me calm. I was trying to look to both sides and behind us, all at once. I felt like a wild animal about to be cornered. Buddy’s rising through the water was drawing a lot of attention. But as fast as he came up for air, he was going back down. Pushing like a racehorse through the water. He seemed to know where I wanted to go. He went straight past the wall where he could've dropped me off, and on to the tunnel. He led us into the darkness. All light doused, as the arched walls consumed us. Enveloping us in turbulent blackness. “Come on, little Buddy.” I urged my sand hound. Trying to take weight off him and just hold on. We reached the first platform, and Buddy went straight to it. Paddling in one place long enough for me to get my fingers curled up over the concrete so I could, hopefully, hoist myself up. But I quickly learned that I was utterly exhausted from my swim against the current. My arms were shaking, and my fingers felt too weak to hold a grip. He swam a bit further and managed to launch himself up with the kind of agility that had me seething with envy. He shook himself. Loosing a few long spines from the peak of his back in the process. Once he was finished, he huffed. Padding to the edge of the platform to peer down over it. Like he’s confused I’m not up there yet. I scraped my boots against the sidewall, trying desperately to pull myself up. But then I’d nearly slip off, before I’d managed to catch a better grip. But so far, I’d made exactly zero progress. “I'm working on it, dude!" I panted for air. He made a long sound which may've been impatient. Lowering his head nearly to my nose so I was staring back into shining eyes. He turned his neck so the long spines were nearly against my shoulder. “What are you doing?" He wasn't moving, and he was blocking any way of twisting myself up, which I'd already been struggling with. I stretched one arm, daring to let go of the platform ledge, to grab a handful of those spines. He huffed. Pulling backward. He whined briefly which I thought might mean I was hurting him. My reflex was to let go. I don't want to hurt him! He’s just a baby! There was a look in his orange tinted eyes which drew my attention. He was serious and unblinking. Like he was telling me not to. I gripped tighter and found footing against the concrete. I felt the brush of something rough passing my hip. I caught the motion of a sail in my peripheral. My heart sank. A sense of hysteria ripped through me. Buddy gave a purely predator roar, and lunged back. Bracing his feet as he pulled me in short hops. He was easily strong enough to have yanked himself from my grip, but he wasn't doing it. He's trying to help me. I held on for dear life. At the moment when I could just about get a foot atop level ground, his spines broke free and sent me tumbling back. I looked over my shoulder, and saw the glisten of teeth in waiting jaws. Crocodile jaws. I screamed, but that sound barely left my throat before I felt a hand jerk and searing pain in my forearm. A kind of burning that seared straight into the bone. “Ah!" I clenched my teeth against the pain. Clutching higher on my forearm with my other hand because Buddy’s head was too high up. I registered that I was meeting his worried gaze, with my arm clenched between his teeth. When the spines came loose, he caught the only thing he could…My arm in his mouth. He was still pulling. I was lifted over the top of the platform and lifted erect. Finally able to put one boot back on dry ground. But the other foot was still propped against the wall barely above the surface. I was angled out over the water when I heard the great splash of water behind me and caught movement in my peripheral. I felt the charge of something so close it could breathe on me. Water splattered over my head and rolled down my back. Time slowed, and when I looked back I could see the harsh green-black scales of the long body of the crocodile. As Buddy had yanked me onto the platform the crocodile had followed, launching into the air as he pursued my hair and shoulders. Fortunately, Buddy was determined. Still driving backward and levelling me straight up. But I was paralyzed as I glanced up and saw the ends of my hair hanging off the beast’s teeth. He's going to catch it. I imagined myself being dragged back beneath that surface by my hair. I twisted to lunge out of reach. I felt another set of teeth raking my chest in an effort to catch my shirt. As I threw myself forward, Buddy was yanking on me. Jerking me well out of the trajectory of the crocodile’s attack. I hit concrete. My head rocked on hard floor and my jaw jerked but I was grateful for it. I threw myself over. The slapping splash behind me meant that the beast had missed. I rolled onto my back, crawling from the ledge. Unwilling to find out if he was going to give it another try. Buddy whined behind me. Sniffing me anxiously. He dragged his long tongue over my face in a greeting. Then promptly averted his attention to my arm. Emitting a series of broken whimpers. I half-feared that the crocodile was going to leap up again and land on the platform to finish what it had begun. I was in some form of shock sitting there. I couldn't believe I was still alive. It was so close. Finally, I turned my head and gave Buddy an astounded look. “You saved my ass, pup." Buddy prodded my chin. Making more concerned sounds. “I'm okay." I caught his face. “I'm okay Buddy. You just saved my tail back there." I could barely say the words aloud. Since the Shimmer, one of the things I was the most afraid of. I could never have imagined that one of them would ever save me. But Buddy just did. My heart melted as I stroked his head. “How many times did you just keep me from becoming a snack, in the last three minutes?" Buddy whined. I rolled my legs under me, kneeling to hug his big bristly neck. He whimpered, pulling back from my embrace to lick the bleeding wounds on my chest. “Ssh ssh..." I assured him. “You were wonderful. If you hadn't done what you did, I'd be in pieces." He seemed calmed by that. Giving me a long study with mournful eyes. I saw something in him now, which I had missed before. There was deep intelligence in those keen eyes. When the basters had come and nabbed us from the tunnels, Buddy had been too small to do anything. He'd had enough sense to stay hidden. Then when he'd known the danger had passed, he'd gone looking for me. Knowing he wouldn't survive any further than the oasis. Smart. I'd thought he was following instinct, now I suspected it was something more. He's an intelligent little beast. *** I had to let my newfound trust in Buddy lead me out of the tunnels. There was no hesitation in his step. He knew the way back to his den, and beyond. Eventually he led me to the entrance. As we emerged into the morning sunshine, I could see the rising halo of light piercing through any shade created by the night and beginning to bake every surface. It was at that opening, that I knelt before him. I caught his face. “Hey Buddy... Do you think you could help me find Alder?" He huffed. His eyes widening in a way that I found encouraging. “Okay, I'll follow you." Just like that, we were off. He was weaving through the towering dune canyon, with his nose to the ground, trying to keep his eyes averted from the sun. I followed him for a distance before I saw he’d sat down and waited for me. As I neared him, I saw what he’d waited to show me. A lone track in the sand. This close to the tunnel, it has to be Alder. “Good job, Buddy." I stroked his spines. “Keep going." He was spurred into movement. Encouraged by my praise. I was learning to believe in him in a way I never thought I could believe in anything. Except Alder. Now they’d both earned my trust. I’ll follow Buddy wherever he tells me to go. He’ll know where Alder is. We’re going to find him.

  • My Shackled Siren 36

    113 A New King Zierno stared at them all in shock. Miernephen had a blank look on her face that indicated she wasn’t at all surprised. Eben’s lead advisor pushed to the forefront. “It is no mistake, Zierno. You are our liege. King Eben had no family to inherit his throne. Dorin died with him, which leaves only you for king. It was articulated to all the advisors that you were our best choice.” “By who?” Zier’s voice rose. Who could possibly say that! “Your captain, liege.” The advisor said. His bushy white brows lifting. “My captain?” “Aye, My Lord. The young man…” Zierno was giving him a befuddled stare. “Perhaps looked a bit lordly to ever lift a sword himself, but the man knew more about kingdom politics and the required elements of warfare than any I’ve seen. A very large man. He is…Your captain I presume?” Doblin. Zierno realized. That has to be who he’s talking about. When was he here? Compressing his lips, Zier nodded his head. “Yes, he is. Uh…Recently.” The advisor blew a long breath. “Oh, that is a relief. I was worried for a moment there.” The other advisors in their long burgundy robes stood behind him. “Your man told us of your great feats. Using mercenaries to conquer an entire troupe of trained knights. Then about your defeat of the evil Kelpie and Kelpie masters.” “Evil kelpie?” Zierno said dumbly. “It is quite dead.” Miernephen said from behind him. Firm on that fact. “You’ve become a legend in the six kingdoms, My Lord.” Another advisor proclaimed. Much to the delight of the cheering crowd. The lead advisor took the crown from the servant. He reached to set it atop Zierno’s head. “We’re happy to welcome our new king home.” “A well-deserved crown.” One of the knights walked by to thump him on the shoulder. “Any man that can outwit a Captain of the Guard and trained men with only an army of commoners, is a man I’d like to learn from.” The whole thing felt like it was happening somewhere far away. The din of cheers grew muted in his ears as he turned to face his troupe of mercenaries. Their beaming faces were proud as they stared at him. The advisors physically turned him and were pushing him toward the castle. Entering the foyer, he was led into the receiving room and beyond. When the servants rushed ahead and threw open the doors to the throne room, he felt the rush of cool air. The throne loomed up on the dais. Cold and uninviting. That’s where Eben’s place was. It was painful to know that when Eben was asked who his family was, he’d only named Zierno. And I betrayed him. But none of that discounted all that Eben had done since. He tried to kill my family. Zierno glanced over his shoulder at the peasant boys he’d grown up with. If Eben had, had his way he would’ve killed them all to get to her. Then he’d have tortured her. That thought made Zierno cringe. “I’m unsure that this is my place.” Zierno said. Trepidation filling him. The crown felt heavy on his head. Zierno felt like the room was suddenly suffocating him. He was beginning to ask himself if he wasn’t designed for the trees. And the hunt. A large figure pushed through the crowd. They parted to make way for him almost reverently. Zierno glimpsed the dark hair and square features and immediately recognized the man as Doblin. And hanging on his arm was a familiar face. Tears. Zierno smiled fondly at her. Happy to see her beaming as she was. Tears was freshly washed for the first time since he’d known her. She emanated a delighted glow. And she was dressed in a shimmering blue gown. Something Zierno would’ve never guessed she’d wear. She’s come alive. Doblin threw his arms wide in a welcoming gesture. “Glad to be home, my friend?” “I am not a king.” Zierno asserted even as several of his friends were pushing him into the throne seat. “I only wanted to be a commander. Not a king.” “You are one now.” Doblin said decisively. “Lofan and I persuaded them all there’s no one that could do better for this realm. You have a way of seeing people that others do not. And you leave no one behind.” Zierno did a quick inhalation. “I am a warrior. I’ve no training in-” Doblin lifted a staying hand and Zier was irked that he reflexively silenced. “No one is more qualified, Zierno. You’ve been close to the king these many years. You’ve seen what good there was and what cruelty occurred. Who could do better?” “You’ve proben yourself worthy of meeting any challenge.” Doblin glanced at Miernephen lingering next to the door of the throne room. “It is time you rise above what you’ve been.” Doblin announced. “And you take these men with you.” He gestured to all of Zierno’s band of brothers. “Looks like a fine King’s Guard, by my standards.” Zierno gaped at him. His gaze flitting to them. The Barnabus brothers were robustly shouting. Elbowing each other and puffing their chests to prove how adequate they’d be in the position. “Enjoy my gift!” Doblin said definitively. Turning on his heel to stride from the room. pulling Tears at his side who whispered to him conspiratorially. He flashed a wide grin at her, and she giggled in return. Simply happy to be at his side. Zierno was so focused on that, that a smile began to creep onto his face. His eyes moved from Tears to Miernephen at the door. She was peering around the frame. Smiling proudly. She was trying to fade into the background, but even then she was the center of the room. At least to me. Tears must’ve said something that captured Doblin’s attention. He stopped in the doorway, giving her a thoughtful look. Finally, he turned on his heel to eye Zierno. “What?” Zierno queried. His eyes narrowing on the conspirators. “I’d like your blessing.” “My blessing?” Doblin put a hand over Tears’s small one on his arm. “Perhaps think of it as an exchange…I’ll give you my blessing for your union with my little sister, if you give me yours with your sister…” The way he looked at Tears made it clear. He wants to marry her. Even though she’s mortal. Zierno looked at Miernephen, wondering if that could be what she wanted too?

  • My Shackled Siren 35

    112 Starved Boy to King Zierno was startled to hear what Doblin the man, had to say. He’d been so insulted that Doblin had moved them like pawns. But the man himself was saying that they’d had control over their own destinies, all along. He’d only hoped that if they were provided the right signs, and skills, that they’d land where he needed them to be. It made Zierno feel better about the decisions he’d made. He no longer felt like he’d unconsciously been someone’s slave. Looking up at Zier, Doblin spoke again. “I wish to give you a gift for all you’ve done for my family.” Zier was startled. “What could possibly give me? There’s nothing I yearn for.” Doblin blew out a long breath and his eyes returned to his sister, though he still spoke to Zier. “I plan to go to the Netherlands today. Start making your way back with your mercenaries and I vow that my gift to you will reveal itself, upon your arrival.” Zierno understood that the man was telling him what to do, more than asking but just now he was too tired to be affronted. “Fine. I will.” He needed to go back to the Netherlands anyway. We need supplies. And some of the men will want to return to their families. It would be Zierno that took them back. They came all the way out here for me. I’ll escort those who want to go, home. I owe them that. Zier walked from the hut. Intent on giving the brother and sister time to visit. Since it’s the first time they’ve been able to actually speak to her since he was forced to change. Time is what they need… *** Zierno had understood that Dob’s gift would await him, but he’d had no idea that this was what he’d meant. He stared ahead of him completely dumbfounded by what he’d discovered within the Netherlands castle bailey. Two mornings ago, he’d rallied the mercenaries and told them to get mounted. He’d done a mental tally to verify they were all there. Except one. Tears was missing. But that hadn’t surprised Zierno. He’d smiled faintly as he noticed it. He’d seen the way she’d been looking at the fey brother. And he knew Tears. Fiercely loyal. So, whether Doblin was immortal or not, Tears would be at his side. Zierno and his band had made their way back toward the Netherlands kingdom. Some on horseback, others on foot. The Kurdikus brother and Dread had playfully jested for many hours now. The weight of the threat facing them that had lingered on their shoulders was now absent. He was greatly appreciative of the fact that all of his band was going to make it out of these woods alive. And free. The fears of what Eben and Dorin would do to them had evaporated since both king and commander were now safely locked away. For however long Miernephen wishes them to be. He glanced over and saw her asture profile. She shined in the morning light. She rode her horse as regally as any queen. Her hair was a luminescing halo around her head and over her shoulders. A great change of tables has occurred. He thought. For now here she was, headed to a castle. Meanwhile the water princes were forced to roam the woods with no will of their own. He’d no idea what waited for him when he got back to the Netherlands realm nor how long Miernephen would stay at his side now that she was free, and the forest needed her. I’m going to lose her. She is what she is. And Feglen Forest needs her. Still it made his heart sink. It’s for the best though. As much as it pained him to admit it, they both knew that Zierno was an assassin. Nothing more, nothing less. And I have nothing to offer her. They’d come to the edge of Feglen and paused there. Looking down over the bridge into the kingdom. Zierno knew that perhaps he should never go back. He could send these men that he’d grown up with back into the Netherland walls and no one would be the wiser. But me, everyone knows what I did. The Netherland people could have him hanged for treason. Nothing says they won’t. But it had never been in Zierno’s soul to run. I’m going back. So he steered Heretic toward those walls, intent on confessing his crimes to anyone that would hear it. The guards had announced that he was at the gate, and to his surprise they’d opened it rather than having a party come collect him for a hanging. Heretic’s hooves clicked across the wood planks of the bridge he’d expected an ambush from within the bailey. Instead, a crowd had parted to make way for them. People began shouting. Proclaiming his praise. Which was what had brought him to this moment. He swallowed. Staring at the smiling faces surrounding him. He brought Heretic to a stop, scanning the crowd in utter confusion. They have to know I caused the death of King Eben, by now. Only now did it occur to him that perhaps he’d been so busy praising Eben’s leadership that no one had dared tell him how the common people viewed their liege. I thought he was beloved to them. Staring at their elated faces, he gave a hesitant wave. Their clapping and cheering got louder. A row of servants stood at the end of the greeting party. One held a crown and three held the royal robe open for him. As if they’d been waiting days for just this moment. “Your highness, welcome home.” One yelled joyfully. “I think you’re all mistaken.” Zierno stared at them bewilderedly. The servant holding the crown shook his head. “The king’s advisors had you in the record as Eben’s only living heir. When he was told it had to go in the realm scrolls, your name was the only one he gave.” Zierno looked to another one, in equal confusion. “With him gone, you are the designated king. And word of what you and your soldiers were doing spread far and wide. Defying a king for the sake of the people…”

  • Blaze 31

    97 Adept Survivor “After all we've discussed onboard?" I eyed him askance. A bit disappointed that he had so little faith in me. He hesitated a long while and I could tell he was choosing his words carefully. “You, my dear, are an especially adept survivor. My fear is that perhaps every bit of amenity we've built during this voyage may have been merely constructed, to make this venture more bearable for you." “A bit hasty to assume." I said with a furrowed brow. Mildly affronted that he'd think me so adept at deception. I’m not a good liar. I thought that was something we both knew. “I assume nothing." We started down the steps. “As I said, it's my fear." His fear… I didn’t think he feared anything. “Unless you turn against me, or I learn of some dire reason not to believe you, you've nothing to fear." As we walked to the captain’s cabin door, we had no idea that one of the sailors had crept from the upper deck down the steps behind us, quiet as a mouse. Shadowing our motions and ensuring he didn’t even take a breath, for fear of giving himself away. When we reached the bottom of the stairs, he moved on to lurk in the shadows beneath the stairs. Had Gray looked over his shoulder, his ability to see in the dark would have allowed him to spot the man's silhouette right away. But at present, he was far too distracted by the feminine presence next to him. A fact which allowed the spy to catch every word. The main point which the man’s spying had yielded, was that the captain whom he'd once thought feared nothing, feared losing this woman. An interesting tidbit, by any measure. And she, if given any reason to doubt him, would do exactly that. She’d turn on him, and he’d waste precious time chasing after her. A fact which the sailor's superior would dearly love to know. The sailor could already envision the bit of coin he'd be given for this nugget. *** Landfall was going to be stunning, I could already tell. The promise of it was filling me with a sensation which had become nearly unrecognizable to me. Joy. This morning, Jackson had risen at daylight to head up to the deck. He intended to be present for all landfall preparations. He’d mentioned that last night, before we’d read until we fell asleep. Again. He was seemingly more intrigued by each chapter, of my book. I awoke this morning, when the bed creaked as he left it. The sudden cold striking me, alerted me to the absence of his warmth. “You didn't try to make love to me last night." I remarked. Twisting to peer at him and sitting up on one elbow to make my accusations. I had hoped he would. His nearness had made me want him to touch me, to hold me. I’d hoped that he would need that to, upon knowing this would be our last night together on the Blaze. He quietly pulled on his tunic. Refusing to answer me for so long that I was beginning to doubt that he would at all. But, after a time, he peered at me over one shoulder. “You won't say you love me. Why torture myself?" Oh, ouch. That was a knife in my heart. Those words were so simple to say, but there were tons of meaning behind them. I immediately wanted to argue with him. Instead, the words that came out of my mouth were accusing. “Is that what it is?" He’s punishing me? My expression darkened and he must’ve seen my building bitterness. He pulled on his shirt, adjusting it around his hips. Then he sighed as he faced me. “No, don’t give me that look. As you should very well know, I'm obsessed with making love to you. But holding back is getting harder." He holds back because he wants me to say those sacred words to him. Like I did back then. “Then don't." I sat up. Daring him to do just do it. I yearned for him to finish with me. To reach the point of maximum pleasure, in my arms. In some way, even though I received mine, it always felt hollow without knowing he’d gotten there too. “Ha!" He threw back his head. “Nice try." “I think you've made your point." “You think that's what this is about?" I gave him a quizzical study. That’s exactly what I thought. I’d always believed that his refusal to finish was to prove to me the power he had over me. Or perhaps to himself. “No, baby girl.” He corrected. “It's about me holding back enough of myself that I don’t get lost to the point that I can't ever get my feet back under me." He stood up. Refusing to face me. “Are you ever going to stop saying such cryptic things?" “I suppose only time will tell, won't it?" As always, he outstretched that tanned, long-fingered hand. Holding it out as though perhaps, he only ever offered it to me. “Care to go up and get your first look at Haven?" Taking that hand meant turning myself over to him. Even if just for a while. I peered up at him. I knew my immediate excitement showed on my face. I slapped my hand in his and threw the coverlet aside. Stepping to my feet. He gestured toward the chest near the maps. “I suggest picking whatever you find most suitable for greeting a new life." My new life… I opened the chest with a flourish. Barely stirring through the garments before I realized that I already knew which gown that would be. Jackson had suggested I replace it in the trunk after the night we'd danced and read together. He’d worried that it would be sullied onboard the ship. I had agreed with him then but now I sought the confidence I'd felt when I wore it. And the way I’d felt when his eyes lit up as he saw it on me. That little voice in my head whispered dauntingly. I pulled out the burnt orange silk. “Seems a rather delicate choice for traipsing the woods." “Perhaps it is. But it was chosen once, with the direct purpose of taking on all the trials of a new life." “With me." He noted. “Perhaps it yet, will be." I looked back at him. “If you don't wound me." “I’ve no intention of letting that happen." I nodded before I began the process of slipping on the gown. He cinched the laces for me. I quickly put my hair in a loose braid over my shoulder. Tying it with a blue ribbon from the chest. “You look beyond ravishing." He rumbled in awe. “Ah, if I am to be in danger, then will you be the one to protect me?" “Whenever you have a need." He gave me his arm. I took it. As I had countless times in the past. Holding on, as he led me up the stairs to the deck. Footsteps behind us drew our attention. “Walter?" Jackson frowned. “What were you doing outside my quarters?" “I wasn't, my captain." Walter assured him. “I was in the barrel hold. Cook asked me to count our wine rations." “Oh? And how many did you find?" “Eight, captain.” Walter scuffed his boot on the deck as if searching for something underfoot. A glance at Jackson's expression revealed that he was unconvinced. He’s suspicious. I noticed. Wondering why. He doesn’t trust his own man? Jackson glanced at the railing almost longingly. “You go, starboard side." He pointed. “I’ll rejoin you momentarily and watch it nearing with you.” “You’ll watch us land with me?” “I won’t be able to once we come in for approach. I’ll have to tend to my duties.” “Oh, of course.” I nodded my head in understanding. “I’ll be back shortly.” I nodded. Letting him slip from my grip as he returned below deck. To count the wine barrels. I guessed. I knew how meticulous Jackson could be when it came to verifying. *** Jackson still had not returned by the time the morning sun had banished the fog. Revealing the beauty of what lay behind it. A lush landscape blanketed in blue lakes and tall green trees blooming with large pink and yellow flowers. It was tantalizing. Pretty enough to trigger one’s curiosity. It’s beautiful... I blew a reverent breath. I had a white-knuckled grip on the rail as I leaned so far over that I was nearly at risk of tumbling over. “Quiet the sight, isn't it?" Someone remarked from next to me. I looked over and saw the same scruffy looking man from below deck standing next to me. “Aren't you supposed to be speaking with cook?" “I already did." He assured me. “I just came over to watch Haven come into view. It's a breathtaking view I was unable to resist." “It does rather beckon the traveler’s eye, doesn’t it.” “It certainly does. Almost looks like a secret paradise.” “Yes." I found myself smiling absentmindedly. “Or, a new beginning." “Something we can all dream of, huh?" I nodded. Fixated on the gorgeous sight ahead as Walter wandered off. Something to dream of... That was exactly what I had been doing for the last year. Eventually, Jackson did rejoin me. Stepping up to the rail. A glance at his profile revealed his solemn expression. “Everything alright?" He made a noncommittal sound. “Were there eight barrels?" “Eight and a half." “So... He didn't count the partial one?" “Cook would need to know there was half a barrel of rations. That's essential." When he put it that way, I could see his point. Half a barrel of rations missing would be a lot. Someone could starve from that. “So, was he saving it for himself?" I hoped not. The man had seemed quite likeable to me, mere moments ago. “That would be a crime against every sailor on this ship... But it's possible." There was a pregnant pause between us. That sounds perilously close to a form of mutiny. I chewed my lip. Jackson suggested something else. “Or, he was down there for a wholly different reason." “Like what?" I asked startled. “Now, that is a good question, isn’t it?"

  • Legend of Fury 30

    104 Bea Every day in that cave, Chaos curled up with that weak little wolf. Sheltering her from the cold and watching over her. I’d never seen him so attentive. I didn’t realize how much time past until Fury insisted it was time we move on. “I don’t know if she can!” I protested. “We can’t stay here forever.” He told me. Always reminding me that we have to keep moving. I hated it though. But despite all his urging, the next month passed with us making slow progress. We could only travel as fast as the wounded female pup could go. She still wasn’t able to turn into a human child which meant that her stride had to remain short. She often had to stop and rest. It hurt her to be carried for any amount of time, so even that wasn’t an option. Since we didn't know her name and she didn’t seem able to tell us, I'd begun calling her Beatrice after my mother. Though Chaos preferred Bea. Which is what he always calls her. She had taken to it enough that she was already responding to it. As we reached a creek, Chaos joyfully tossed aside his oversized tunic and small pants, to gallop down to the water. Wanting to play, Bea raced to the creek too. She skid to a stop right over a two-foot bank. Scanning the little drizzle running through. Her soft blue eyes watching the water pass as if it were something fascinating. Eventually, she rounded and started to wiggle her fluffy backside down. She stretched one back leg to reach toward the water. She curled her claws to the creek wanting to touch it. As I watched, the fur of that leg fell away. Revealing a small pink, human one. A small paw turned into little foot. And finally, she could reach a toe into the water. Her front claws turned to fingers gripping the grass to lower herself. A wash of raven's wing blue-black hair poured down her back. Which was a bit shocking because she was such a pale wolf. I'd have expected her to be blonde. Like Lyra Lani was. As she hit the water, Beatrice peered up at me through those blue eyes beneath sooty lashes. Her expression was faintly triumphant. As if she were relieved that she’d been able to shift without dying. I certainly am. I noticed that she was absolutely striking. So much so, that Chaos had forgotten to swim. He sank beneath the water, and had to emerge sputtering and splashing. Flailing his arms to stay above water. He blinked huge eyes at her. Astonished by her human form. She splashed him with a huge wave of water. Giggling raucously as she swam away. “Uh ohh..." Fury said from behind me. I twisted to see him. Unsure when he’d walked up. He was staring at Chaos worriedly. “What?" “I know that look." Fury shook his head. “He just imprinted on her. He's chosen her." “As his mate?" My voice rose. “So early? Can they do that so young?" “When a male knows, he knows, kitten. He'll do anything for her now." Fury said it with such finality that a boulder formed in my stomach. “We can't take her to the Asara." “No." Fury agreed. “We'll have to keep her close. Make sure he's safe." The gravity of that, was nearly overwhelming. It meant we had our son’s whole future in our care. Nothing can happen to her. “What if something does happen to her?” I blurted. “Can he choose another?" Fury grimaced. “It’s not that simple." “Tell me." “When a male imprints, there is a physical effect. Just because he knows, doesn't mean she does. So in turn, his body responds by creating a hormone tailored to her own scent. To lure her. If something happens to her, he may choose another, but his body won't adapt again. Which means he may not succeed in mating with the new female of his choice. That first one is unique." I stared at him. Taking that in. “Who did your body change for?" I badly wanted to know. Was it the sorceress? He shrugged. “To my knowledge, I never have." “That's a shame." I murmured sorrowfully. My gaze falling. “Ah, perhaps not, I'm made a bit different than the others. It would be unsurprising to me, if I never do." “Oh." *** Almost two years had gone by without me even noticing it. Bea was a joy to have around. Fury and I had taken to her just as much as Chaos had. I now thought of her as my own pup. And Fury watched over her just as zealously as he did his own son. Through our travels, we had been cycling through all Fury's hunting grounds. Which had brought us here now. We were close to the Asana territory. It was a safer place than most. NightHunter wolves saw no point in lingering outside these walls, so they rarely remained in the area. Which lent us some peace. We were down by the wide, lazy river outside the Asara walls. It was one of Chaos and Bea's favorite washes because it burbled and moved so slowly that left them free to play. And the sun kissed water was generally warm to the touch. Chaos and Bea were throwing handfuls of it at each other. I watched from a distance above. Sitting on the nearby hill to give them some time to play while I checked all directions. Fury had gone to find us dinner. “It's strange, isn't it?" Fury materialized behind me, as he often did. His long legs slid around parallel to me. As he took a seat at my back. I sensed his arms coming around before I felt them wrapping me. “What’s that?" I folded my arm over his. “That they're half grown already." “Don’t say that!” I watched them below. Thinking about that. “Bea doesn't look like it. That dress still drags the ground." I'd given her my spare months ago. She still hadn't grown into it enough for it to be off the ground. It pooled around her feet and dragged through the dirt. Something Fury often remarked upon. Chuckling. Chaos, just a little older than her, already stood as tall as my nose. “She is a tiny thing." Fury said, amused by that. “It doesn't help that your son is a hulking tree trunk." I could literally feel his chest inflating against my back. Pride soaring through him. “Don't even." I warned him. Already shaking my head. But he did anyway. “He’s like his father. A great strapping mass of a man." “Ugh." I groaned. Rolling my eyes. Though a smile tugged at my lips. “A 'mass' is right." “I'm terribly uncertain what that means.” He feigned a wounded tone. “Though I do not believe you intended it as a compliment." “A massive lump on my tail!" I clarified. “Where?" His voice rose in mock concern. He started sliding my skirt up. “I best take a look at that, right away!" “The hell if you think so." I swatted my skirt down. Glaring at him over my shoulder. “The hell if you think I won't." He caught me by the waist and swung me over his leg and onto the grassy hill beneath him. He caught my skirt and began methodically sliding it up my leg. “What if I want to see all of it?" “Well, then you'd have to navigate some time away from the children." I had my hands loosely linked behind his neck as I peered at him. He deflated. “Now, just how would I manage that?" “Fury magic?" “I'm thinking Rithra magic." He suggested. “I could settle for that." I smiled at him. Looking at him from beneath hooded lids. Just then there was a shriek from the water. We both jerked up. Hearing the panicked note in Bea's voice. It wasn't the same playful shriek she'd been doing for the last hour. This is something different. We could see other figures in the water with them. Bea had backed clear up against Chaos’s chest. Seeking the safety of his presence. He’d had them withdraw until they were near the shore. “Hey!" Fury roared. He set me aside and charged down the hillside. I rolled to my feet and chased after him. My skirts clenched in white-knuckled grip. I had the sudden stomach-clenching fear that we were going to witness our children being slaughtered before we could get to them. It was to my utter astonishment that Fury came to an abrupt halt. Reaching out to stop me with an arm across my chest. “Wha-" I objected. “They're just children." Fury said. Gesturing to the water. “All-" “All of them." He finished for me. “Let’s let Chaos handle it.” He lowered to crouch behind the tall grass. I followed his lead. Staying out of view. “And just watch?" “Yep." I hesitated. My whole body was wound with tension. But now that I really looked, I could see they were all smaller than Chaos, though they looked of similar age. Chaos, to his credit, moved Bea around behind him. Shielding her with his body. The three boys had circled around them, but just when Chaos likely thought they were going to attack they sloshed a wave of river water toward them. Then one from another side. They started laughing. As the first wall of water hit Chaos, Bea rolled from behind him. Raven hair swung around them from the speed of her movement. She threw herself back to flop into the water. Tipping up her feet to kick wildly. Defending Chaos with a bloom of water that was sent over the interlopers. They were all laughing now. Everyone in a rush to up the ante. “They just wanted to play." I said dully. Seeing that now. I was glad that Fury had stopped us. It was good for Chaos and Bea to socialize with other wolves. They have to learn how eventually. “The question is where'd they come from?" Fury remarked. “I didn't hear them or catch their scent." I could tell that he was faintly impressed by that. Grown wolves couldn’t manage that but somehow these pups had. He’s intrigued. Fury was never one to let a mystery lie for long.

  • Opposing Mr. Blackburn 27

    55 A Little Dangerous What is a ‘no-bra, sleep-with-me stare’? That was what he wanted to know. That’s what was so important. Now how the hell do I explain that. “I-I..." I sputtered, laughing nervously as I was caught between relief and confusion. “You know what I meant!" “But I don't." I scoffed. Rolling my eyes heavenward. Eric caught my hands and brought me to my feet. “I'm noticing you're not wearing a bra..." “Oh?" I pulled my hands from him because that simple touch was captivating me. I was falling under his spell. I put my fists on my hips. “And how would you know?" “I've seen you naked, Allison.” He said plainly. Nearly knocking me off my feet. “Many times, might I add." “Not that many lately!" I defended. “Enough to be able to tell when they are restrained, or when they're sitting there in…” He hovered his hands over them. Staring in open admiration. “In all their glory." “Glory..." I scoffed. Shaking my head. “Does that line ever work?" “I don't know. I'm trying to find out, if you'd quit interrupting me." He was grinning mischievously as he dropped his forehead to mine. Guiding me around the foot of the bed to back me up down the lane between both bedframes. “I see what you're doing." I let him walk me. “Well, you're not stopping me. So, how about you show me that look, Allie?" I bit my lip. I dropped my head back. I groaned aloud. “Ughhh!” He lifted his to look down his nose expectantly. Fully expecting me to model it. “I'm waiting." The intensity this man could generate, even when he was being playful, was breathtaking. Now he had me cornered against the bedstand, with nowhere to go. And his closeness was stealing all air from the room. “Eric!” “What, Allie?" He breathed. I licked my lips. Swallowing. “That... Looks like a good start." I gasped. He danced his eyebrows and gave me a lopsided grin. “Fine!" I exclaimed. Needing to alleviate the pressure. I drew a nervous breath. Tipping my head down. He stood patiently before me. Giving me a bit of room as if I needed a runway just to give him a look. I parted my lips and kept my lashes low. Peering at him from just beneath him. Giving him a long look. He tilted his head in interest. “That is hot. Smoking hot." I gave him the wickedest smile, I could. “Ooh." He took a step back. “That’s a little dangerous, Allie Kat." Just then there was a knock on the door. “Hold that thought." Eric backed away. Emitting a hungry growl as he finally turned. Shaking his head as if trying to clear the fuzziness. That gave me a minute to gather myself and get my racing heart to slow down. Him looking at me like he had been doing was about enough to have me undone. He opened the door and had a short interchange with someone before rounding the corner wall with a silver platter in hand. “Is that…" “It’s the cheesecake you said you didn't want." He said off-handedly. “I didn't-" “Yes, you did. You said you were worried about the calories." He was strolling away as if it were the most natural thing in the world. “Not enough to not eat it!" I scampered after him. Tugging on his arm as he headed to the table next to the television. He sat down, took off the lid, and gathered the fork. I scooted into the seat opposite him. Stealing the platter from before him, then stripping the fork from his hand so I could dive into the plump, berry-coated cheesecake. My fork sank in forever. Creeping through the deep layers. Then lifting the fluffy, slightly jiggling dessert to my mouth. It melted over my tongue. Spilling creamy sweetness into my mouth. It had to be the most decadent cheesecake I'd ever had the privilege of sinking my teeth into. I moaned in bliss. When I finally opened my eyes, it was to find him sitting back in his chair, with a triumphant look on his face. “Oh, stop!" I said between bites. “You didn't trick me into eating it." “No." He grinned softly. “I just tempted you to do it." “Why are you smirking about that?" He sighed. “I get the distinct sense, that you've made a lot of sacrifices in recent years to ensure that sweet daughter of yours has everything she needs." The fact that he could see it without me even complaining about it, made tears leap into my eyes. Even when I hadn’t been yearning for him all those lonely nights in my bed, staring at the ceiling, I had yearned for someone to say just such a thing to me. And it has to be him. It was like some sick joke sent from above to torment me. I had paused eating to look at the table. “That’s what a parent is supposed to do." He was quiet. “But I think you've forgotten to take care of yourself in the process?” It was interesting because it was so similar to what Regina had told me. “I'm doing okay." I assured him. Blinking away my tears so I could look up and meet his penetrating study. He grunted as if he disagreed but had enough sense to know when not to argue. “Do you want some of this?" I realized I'd eaten nearly all the cheesecake without ever offering him a bite. “No." He waved a hand. “You go ahead." “Are you being self-sacrificing?" “No. Actually, I can't stomach the texture.” “The texture is divine!" I defended. Fluttering my lashes in appreciation. “It's slimy." His nose wrinkled. “And cold." “Seriously?" I expostulated. “Who doesn't like cheesecake?" “Me." He said firmly. “You're an alien." His lips twitched. Dimples appearing and disappearing. “What?" I said dryly. Waiting forever while he fought whatever thing he was trying to restrain himself from saying. I chewed slowly, eyeing him. “I can see it all over you. If you don't let it out, you'll burst." “No.” He inhaled a long breath, shaking his head. “Nope." “Something about a probe, I assume?" I arched a brown brow. “Ha!" He threw his head back in a roar off laughter. I pursed my lips. Waiting. “Yes." He pointed at me in wonder. Square teeth glinting as he grinned at me. “It absolutely was." I knew it. “Maybe the old Eric is not as far away as I once thought." I remarked. To my astonishment, he sobered instantly. “Maybe he should be." He stood abruptly. “I should probably be going." “Eric?" I set my fork down. What just happened? I watched him heading for the door. I shot out of my seat. Catching his arm just as he gripped the door handle. “Eric! Don't." As he faced me, I demanded. “Why do you do that?" “What?" He asked dully. His face expressionless and that smile from minutes ago, completely gone. “Go from laughing and having a good time, to dead serious?" He gave me a long look then offered only. “I forget myself with you." He opened the door and pulled from my grip. Slipping out and closing it behind him. Leaving me wondering what had just happened. I stood there, bereft. What was that? He forgets himself? He'd said a lot today. In fact, he'd said a lot the last few days. Maybe that’s what he means? Just half an hour earlier, Eric had me cornered between the beds. Looking at me as if he might tear my clothes off and eat me up, right there. Then he ran out. Like he was running from me. “The moodiest damn..." I muttered. Going back to my bed. Awash with confusion. *** The next morning was a blur of the same. Coffee. Ride with Eric and Krissy to the park. Meet people, meet people, meet people... Recite Pitch Files until blue in the face. Go home, get ready for scheduled dinner. Tonight’s meal was with the woman that had been annoyed with me yesterday for not doing dinner that very evening. Her name was Karla Norcross. She had inherited a hefty sum from the sale of her mother's ranch and was looking for a wise way to invest it. She was a particular kind of woman and she liked to make decisions carefully. She and I had settled for something much smaller scale than last night’s agreements. But I was happy with it. Instead of something as fancy as Frederick’s, we’d opted to go to the sandwich shoppe across from my hotel. It was a quaint little shop. I liked it from the moment we walked in. It had blue bar stool seats and high tables. But it had a clean, friendly atmosphere. After we ordered, they brought us a free cup of black coffee and chocolate biscuits as a courtesy. I learned they were an amazing combination. By the end of the meeting, Karla had agreed to invest a modest $25,000 and see how it went. She wanted to see what Clark & Walker could do before investing larger amounts. I could understand that. Leaving there, there was an extra pep in my step as I crossed the road on the way back to the Sleepwell. I felt accomplished as I returned to my room. I sighed in relief and collapsed back onto my bed. I can do this. I'm kind of good at it. *** Angelina advised there would be half a day of conference time this morning, before we loaded the bus to head back. I promised myself I'd make the most of it. I flitted around. Offering folders with my reference number in them, like I was divvying out Halloween candy. Angelina had told me to get rid of as many as possible and I’d considered that a personal mission. I wandered around greeting people and taking phone numbers so they could call me later. I explained Pitch Files to anybody interested in hearing about them. I was encouraged by Angelina’s thumbs up from behind the booth. And all that time, I only thought about Eric’s weird mood change about a thousand times.

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